Frankie M.
"The book The Guide to Your Individual Education Program is helping me learn about myself and my gifts. I am not ashamed of having an IEP anymore. I enjoy telling my teachers what I need to learn in their classes."
Mrs. K. Carrington
As an 8 year special education teacher, I thought I knew it all but the book How to Write a Viable IEP in 30 Minutes not only helped me to improve my IEP writing speed, but I learned more about each of my students because I was able to go further in depth about each student and their psychological processing. This helped my direct instruction be more attainable to the students."
Sasha S.
"I have always hated math, but Learner Empowerment helped me bring my D in math to a B+ in a month. I could not believe it. After getting tutoring, I passed my first math test ever!"